Sunday, March 25, 2007

Letter from Loved One

The little mouse leaped with joy! For she received a letter from her little loved one far, far away. A letter from her little beloved “daughter”. Yes, you heard that right, her “DAUGHTER”. Well, ok, not exactly her “daughter” kinda “daughter”. Little Seaklim is the little mouse’s sponsored child. Which means, Seaklim is a child whom the little mouse commits to provide monthly provision to. 50 Dil, to be precise, each month. A little price to pay for the joy of helping a child in need.

Little Seaklim wrote:

Dear little mouse,

I’m was happy to recived a letter and a sticker. I’m well. I do not attend school yet. Because I am to young. I will go to school when I am 6 years old. I enjoy to play with my friends near my house. How are you and you family? In my country the weather is hot too. Because this is the dry season. I thank you for sent me a letter and photo to me. I wish you prosperity.

Thank from: Seaklim

Aww… Isn’t she sweeeeeet??? And she’s just 5 years old. Go on, get yourself a son or a daughter :) You never know the differences you can make in their life!

World Vision Official Web Site -
World Vision Malaysia -

Who Is World Vision?
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. The organization was started in 1950 by Dr. Bob Pierce, a young Christian minister, in China and then South Korea. Dr. Pierce, associated with the Youth for Christ organization, felt compassion for the children in his ministry.

World Vision began caring for orphans and other children in need throughout Asia and then eventually in more than 90 countries, embracing larger issues of community development and advocacy for the poor as part of its basic mission to help children and their families build a sustainable future. In 2005, World Vision's work by more than 20,000 staff across the globe affected the lives of 100 million people worldwide, including 1.85 million in the United States. Five million donors, supporters and volunteers helped the organization to achieve its goals.

1 comment:

Brandon Teoh said...

your friends will be so proud of you.

thanks for letting us know.

perseverance is everything.