Monday, October 30, 2006

Death and Resurrection

27th March 2005. The date embedded in her heart, mind, spirit and soul. A day never to be forgotten. The day the darkness wailed in vain, as it plunges down to a bottomless pit.

27th March 2005. A funeral that celebrates her death was held the very this day. Yes, she died on this date. Drown by water. It was her free will to step into the depth. Suicide, you presume? Murder more to it.

She had been standing by the sea cliff for quite some time. Her feet itching to take the another step. The last step. She turned to the sky and asked out loud, “Should I, or should I not?” She paused for an answer.

Waakkkkk… Waaakkkk… Nothing was heard but the disturbing wails from the black crows. They seemed to be everywhere she goes. Noise. She wished they just disappear.

Conclusion. She had decided. To take the very step of obedience. For the love for Him to be known by all. To go through what He had been. To be completed and understood what He meant when He said, “It had finished”.

What good is it, when you declare you love Him whole-heartedly for eternity. But dare not marry Him? A simple command. Abundance of faith required.

The little mouse began to lift her feet…

Waakkk… Waakkk… The crows shrieked even louder. Their numbers increased, forming a dark muddle around her. They will not give her up. They will not let her go. She was “belonged” to them!

Their noise tightened around her neck. Fear and terror wrapped around her mind. Heavy, dark, smog clogged her throat and lungs. What meant to be beautiful turned despicable in her eyes. Tears out of no reason…

Sight, although very much obscured, she saw… A Dove, white as the water, bright as the sun. It looked back at her. A warm smile. Hope.

Her eyes locked on to the little Dove. Her hand reached forward to touch it. Just a touch of its feather… her heart determined. Up lift, her heavy, bounded feet… There is no turning back. She had decided. The last step… completed…

Plunged. Down she fell in the water, back-down, face-up, eyes closed. She could still hear, the cries of the crows. Defeated. Powerless. “Serve you right”, she smiled. Splashed. Her whole body immersed deeply into the water. Drowning into the bottomless ocean. Dead, at last. She “murdered” her ownself.

Then came two hands. Bright, beautiful and glorious. Held her little hands. Lifting her up from the ocean water. As she reached the surface, she gasped for air. Her eyes slowly opened, just a peek, she wanted to see. Oh, what glorious sight! The bright, beautiful golden sun. The cotton-white clouds. Birds singing in the sky. Fishes dancing in the water.

And the Dove! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Did she die? Yes she did. It was really her funeral this very day. But, who is she who is standing on the surface of the ocean? She was resurrected. Her birthday as well. She a newborn infant. She had “murdered” her past. No longer now holding any bondage on her. Freedom! A God-given second chance. She has now declared to the world, her marriage with Him. And pronounced that she is His loving daughter. Never will she regret of this, ever.

Hallelujah! All praise to the King!


Sunday, 27th March 2005, Easter Day.
After about a year relationship with her Heavenly Father, the little mouse took the step of faith, love and obedience and was baptized with water on this very day at New Life Restoration Centre, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazement, i'll forever be amazed by what you write. It's such powerful words that pierced my heart and shines forth the light from above. Welcome to the family my dearest sister. Let's celebrate the beauty of God's love~