Monday, February 19, 2007

Ode to Wern

The little mouse has a wonderful friend, Wern. When she knew that her friend is leaving to another land in pursue of her dreams, the little mouse was broken hearted. For she knew she will miss her wonderful friend dearly. Especially the sharing and the bonding with her…

The chits and the chats together…
The laughter and giggles shared…
The classical music and the orchestra listened…
The blues and swings and the jazz night out…

“I’ll already missing you…” exclaimed the little mouse, though there is three more month till she leaves.
So, the little mouse blesses her dear friend. And pray that the Lord will bless her and guide her as she ventures out into the foreign land. Pray for protection over her safety and health. And pray for favor among the people in that land. Pray that she will prosper in wisdom, health and wealth. And also, pray that she will not forget her little mousie friend in her homeland. Amen.

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